When you have plan to travel you must be expert of knowing your destination, inquiring about the place and considering the cost. The preparation is not just all about the finances but also you need to be prepared in all aspect before taking the plunge. You don't need to be wealthy to travel. All you need to do is to be passionate on your goal why and how to get there. Even if you had all the means to travel either for short term or long term, you need to be a certain of person to travel. As some people say, it isn't for everyone.
However, everyone has destination. But we all have different way of getting there. Like when I was in Boracay island, I noticed that there are many people coming in the island who came from different countries. Some came solo, some came as couple, and some as group of friends. But all have different goals.
I've learned that travelling it isn't just meeting new people, living in rooms with mountain views or cottages that open right at a beach. It is more than just clicking your camera and share the photos on instagram or on facebook. It is discovering yourself of what type of person you will be when you are outside the usual four corners of your daily life. So for me, I am an occasional traveler and my first visit in Boracay island improves my desire to travel more. The experience is worth more than what you had spent to reach your destination. It is self -improvement. - Anne Ruiz
Sunset at Boracay Island, Philippines Photographed by Anne Ruiz |
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